Frequently Asked Questions

If you cannot find your answer here, please contact us for support.

Where are your stores located and what are their hours?

We have 10 locations around Maryland and Virginia for your convenience. Please visit our Store Locations page for our map and list of stores around Maryland and Virginia. You will be able to find the store addresses, telephone numbers and store hours.

Are your weekly specials valid at all your stores?

Yes, Weekly Specials are available at all our stores unless specified otherwise in our Weekly Specials Ads.

Can I place and order online?

At this time, we do not offer e-commerce on our website, but we will be providing this service in the near future.

Do you have savings membership cards?

We will start offering membership cards in 2018. Until then, please sign up for our email listing to receive news about special offers and savings.

Can we promote our business at your store locations?

Please ask the customer service desk at the location where you wish to promote your business.

Lotte Plaza
5821 Riverdale Rd. Riverdale, MD 20737
Phone: 301-699-7508