6 Korean Stew Recipes That Will Warm You Right Up

korean stew recipes lotte plaza

While it is still too warm to make heavier, denser soups and stews, there are still some experiments you can try. Besides, when you’ve caught a chill, these Korean stew recipes will touch your soul.

Temperatures are holding steady around seventy degrees. At least, they seem to be during the day. But as dusk approaches (and overnight), brisker weather reigns supreme. In other words, it’s soup season! While it is still too warm to make heavier, denser soups and stews, there are still some experiments you can try. Besides, when you’ve caught a chill, these Korean stew recipes will touch your soul. 

Daenjang Chigae (Bean Paste Stew)

This bean paste is thick, fragrant, and iconic. It’s a delicious type of Korean comfort food. Plus, it’s highly similar to miso commonly found in Japanese food. Do you have a bunch of leftover vegetables you don’t know what to do with? Run an experiment with zucchini, potatoes, peppers, carrots, squashes, and turnips.  

Kimchichigae (Spicy Kimchi Stew) 

This Korean stew is served hot, obviously, but it’s not quite at the boiling point. So if there’s kimchi you want to use up, this is a good way to do it. While it’s especially popular during the bitterly cold winter, it’s also yummy any time of the year! 

Mae Un Tang (Spicy Fish Stew) 

In the mood for something that carries some kick? In that case, give this spicy fish stew a try. It’s flavorful enough to awaken your senses and carries a variety of spices, veggies, and fish in its tasty broth. One of those rare concoctions that are spicy and sweet, you should give it a try tonight! 

Sam Gae Tang (Stuffed Chicken Soup)

Stews aren’t always made of beef and potatoes or seafood and cream. This Korean-style stew features stuffed chicken garnished with ginseng. It smells fantastic and tastes even better! Besides, it’s not difficult or time-consuming to make. All you need to do is gather the right necessary ingredients! The chickens should be small and whole (or Cornish hens), and the stuffing is made from sticky rice, garlic, and chestnuts. Then the entire combination is simmered in a broth that unites ginseng, ginger, and garlic. Yum!

Bulgogi Jungol (Bulgogi Beef Stew) 

You might not immediately associate bulgogi with “beef stew,” but the combination does work! This one-pot meal allows you to finish up the leftover bulgogi and vegetables from a previous meal. That way, they’ll be out of your fridge! For even tastier results, marinate the beef in the freezer and then toss noodles into the broth when it’s all ready to go!

Budae Chigae (Army Base Stew) 

Ah yes, army base stew. Budae chigae (also rendered as jigae) has roots in the Korean War era. There was a devastating famine during the war that lingered even after the fighting stopped. Leftover and discarded meat were used inventively – combining it with ramen noodles, vegetables, and peppery Korean spices. 

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